Christ Community Church Messages - 'John Goldwater'

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( 290 found ) Page 4 of 42
November 03, 2019 | John Goldwater

"Real Sinners Need JESUS"
John 8:1-12

The Two Types of Sinners
Real honest to goodness sinners - "This woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Jesus wa

September 08, 2019 | John Goldwater

"JESUS - The Beloved Son of GOD"
John 3:27-36

The testimony of a loyal friend -
"The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly?this

September 01, 2019 | John Goldwater

"Clarity When JESUS Walks In"
John 2:13-25

Clarity about religious times and places
Clarity about "Business as Usual"
"He found in the temple...the mo

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